Friday 9 April 2004

Stuart Field writes:
Bicycle queen buried with royal pump (sorry, pomp)

'If you go to Google News ( and
search for 'bicycle queen' you get the above headline.
Incidentally the Dutch for "pump" is actually "pomp"
("bicycle pump" is "fietspomp").'

'Some comments on one or two other pictures:
Your picture of the mystery foreign bike path with the
arrow pointing into the bollards is almost certainly
somewhere in Belgium (judging by the appearance of the
locomotive, houses and cycle path itself).'

'Since the picture of the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam was
taken, there has been a protest against the closure of
that bicycle path under the arches of the museum. The
museum is being restored, so the path is closed for
the time being. After restoration the path will reopen
but will be narrower, with a "glass corridor" for
cyclists to go through.'

Added some new photos of the resurfaced seafront cycle lane, and moved the other front page pix to other sections, including a new section on 'Dead bikes'.

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